On this page you can find information about the other activities happening at Winter Weekend. Scroll down to see what you can expect and how you can come prepared to take part in all the weekend has to offer!
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FRIDAY NIGHT POTLUCKWe will be bringing back the popular Friday night potluck. This is a fun way to welcome everybody to the event and socialize with colleagues. Look back here closer to the event to sign up to bring a dish.
Come to barter, bargain, maneuver, laugh and celebrate at the Saturday night trade blanket. If you are lucky and play it right, you might leave with a treasure. Past coveted items have included handmade artwork, animal pelts and tracks, homemade tinctures, jewelry and invitations for homemade dinners (and the list goes on). So, bring some homemade goodies or other gently used items to trade and barter for something special.
For more information on how the trade works visit this website: http://www.northamericanbushcraftschool.com/trade-blanket/
Come to barter, bargain, maneuver, laugh and celebrate at the Saturday night trade blanket. If you are lucky and play it right, you might leave with a treasure. Past coveted items have included handmade artwork, animal pelts and tracks, homemade tinctures, jewelry and invitations for homemade dinners (and the list goes on). So, bring some homemade goodies or other gently used items to trade and barter for something special.
For more information on how the trade works visit this website: http://www.northamericanbushcraftschool.com/trade-blanket/
Additional Information
Still have questions? For general information or questions, contact the Winter Weekend Co-chairs:
Kate Phipps at [email protected]
Kate Phipps at [email protected]
In past years, we have had a book club that reads a book before the conference and then has a group discussion at the event. Past books include: James Edward Mills' book “The Adventure Gap: Changing the Face of the Outdoors” and Robin Wall Kimmerer's book "Braiding Sweetgrass".
If you are interested in leading a book group, email Kate Phipps at [email protected].
If you are interested in leading a book group, email Kate Phipps at [email protected].