The NYSOEA conference scholarship award honors George Fuge, founding NYSEOA member, past president, and leader in the outdoor education. If you need financial assistance to attend our annual conference, please fill out our scholarship application.
In June 1948, George C. Fuge was in the first class of students from Cortland College to visit the newly acquired “camp” at Raquette Lake. In 1962, he became director of the College’s Outdoor Education Center at Raquette Lake, and in his 23 years of service in that position, he had a dramatic impact on the growth and development of the facilities and programs. His dedication provided special outdoor education experiences not only to Cortland students but also students and adults from all over. As a former school teacher and coach, he was highly respected and admired with such enthusiasm and administrative skills to motivate all age levels. He had excellent human relationships with high moral values with all his peers. With these skills and abilities, he recruited outstanding educators and that was the drive behind the creation of NYSOEA over 50 years ago. Some called George HUGE FUGE! He was a gentle giant in Outdoor Education! ~ Jay Cummings, NYSOEA